Cuba thanks EAEU countries for support amid US blockade — president

Business & Economy May 08, 22:20

We are a small country, which has been under the [US] economic, trade and financial blockade for more than 60 years, Miguel Diaz-Canel said

MOSCOW, May 8. /TASS/. Cuban President Miguel Diaz-Canel has thanked countries of the Eurasian Economic Union (EAEU) for their support amid the United States’ trade and economic blockade of the island.

"I would like to once again reiterate Cuba’s commitment to the development of mutually beneficial cooperation with the EAEEU and its member states," he said at a session of the Supreme Eurasian Economic Council.

"We are a small country, which has been under the [US] economic, trade and financial blockade for more than 60 years," he said. "This blockade has tightened in recent year after new measures were imposed to hamper the successful implementation of our development plans and complicate the life of our people."

"The unfair inclusion of Cuba on the illegal list of countries allegedly sponsoring international terrorism has had a negative impact on our country’s ability to carry out financial transactions and triggered a very difficult situation our people are courageously facing," the Cuban leader said.

"In these conditions, the understanding, friendship and support that are historically demonstrated by the EAEU countries are of paramount importance and Cuba is deeply grateful for that," he noted. "On behalf of the Cuban people and government, I express our gratitude for your voice in support for the resolution against the blockade, which is annually passed by the United Nations General Assembly by the majority of votes. We will continue submitting this resolution as long as this illegal, unfair policy of genocide is in place.".

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