Russia opposes idea to pass resolution on Srebrenica at UNGA — Russia’s UN envoy

"The draft UNGA resolution as nothing to do with the stated goal of commemorating the victims of the 1995 tragedy", Vasily Nebenzya said

UNITED NATIONS, May 1. /TASS/. Russia strongly opposes the idea to pass a resolution on Srebrenica at a UN General Assembly, Russia's envoy to the UN Vasily Nebenzya said.

"The draft UNGA resolution on Srebrenica is one-sided, politically charged and has nothing to do with the stated goal of commemorating the victims of the 1995 tragedy. It is obvious that its authors seek to use the format of an UNGA document to endorse a qualification of the historical events that suits only their own interests. The proposed document does not meet the objectives of promoting inter-ethnic reconciliation in BiH in any way," he said at a UN Security Council meeting on Bosnia and Herzegovina that was requested by Russia. "The wounds of Bosnian society are too fresh and the problems in the country too serious for this project to be raised in the General Assembly. The peoples of BiH must first come to a consensus on their own assessment of their history. We categorically oppose this project and call on all sound-minded states to do the same."

Earlier, Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic said he would send a special envoy to the UN General Assembly President Dennis Francis in connection with a resolution that concerns the 1995 Srebrenica events, was proposed by Germany and Rwanda and was scheduled to come up for a vote at the end of April.

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