Russia won’t seek another UNSC vote on Nord Stream resolution — Russia’s envoy to UN

Russian Politics & Diplomacy March 28, 2023, 2:10

Vasily Nebenzya made such a statement after the Security Council did not adopt a Russian-Chinese resolution on launching an independent investigation into explosions on underwater gas pipelines

UNITED NATIONS, March 28. /TASS/. Russia won’t seek another UN Security Council vote on a resolution for an international investigation of the sabotage attacks on the Nord Stream pipelines, Russia’s envoy to the UN Vasily Nebenzya told reporters on Monday.

He made the statement after the Security Council didn’t pass the Russian-Chinese resolution to start an independent investigation of the explosions at the undersea natural gas pipelines.

"We knew the result, but the negative result is also a result. We expected something like that because it betrays and reveals a few things. <…> You saw our dialogue with the representative of the United States. He simply couldn’t answer simple questions, accusing us of propaganda and what not, like they always do. They (the US - TASS) try to shift focus on Ukraine," he said. "Our resolution doesn’t contain a single reference to a single country. It just called for an independent investigation because the investigations that are being conducted nationally by Sweden, Denmark and Germany don’t meet the requirement for an objective investigation since they simply exclude one of the countries that suffered most."

"I think that was enough. I think it revealed the real attitude on the issue," the diplomat said.

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