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Transnistria's belonging to Moldova saved it from Ukraine's aggression, ex-president says

Dodon said that in the future Transnistria will not be able to exist without Moldova, so "it is necessary to negotiate"

ST. PETERSBURG, June 9. /TASS/. Transnistria wasn’t attacked by Ukraine thanks to the fact that it is part of Moldova, Igor Dodon, former president of Moldova and leader of the Socialist Party, told TASS on the sidelines of the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum (SPIEF).

"I believe that Transnistria can have a future only within Moldova as a region with a special status. I have always said this to the Transnistrian leaders. When I met with [Transnistrian President Vadim] Krasnoselsky when I was president, I told them this. They always insisted that they should be an independent republic. But I think now they remember my words. Because if they were independent, Ukraine would have 'covered' them long ago under the conditions of what is happening in this country," he said. "They were saved from war and aggression from Ukraine only thanks to the fact that they are de jure part of Moldova. And everyone recognizes this - Russia, Ukraine and the entire world community say that Transnistria is a part of Moldova," the politician emphasized.

Dodon said that in the future Transnistria will not be able to exist without Moldova, so "it is necessary to negotiate". "Solving the problem militarily is not the way out of the situation, it is definitely not in Chisinau's plans. Even this Chisinau, where [President] Maia Sandu is now. Destabilization - yes, I think there are such risks. Not from Chisinau's side, but from Kiev's side, with Chisinau's tacit approval. And this danger, unfortunately, is very urgent," the former president said.

According to him, the situation in Transnistria will depend on what happens on the front in Ukraine: "If everything does not go according to the Western scenario, I mean that there is an advance of Russian troops, the Ukrainians will be very eager to open a second front, and they can open a second front only in Transnistria." "This means an attack on Transnistria, this means a different situation. We are categorically against these scenarios. We know that such a thing is possible only with the consent of the President of the Republic of Moldova. That is why we have urged and are still urging the president: if someone, the Westerners, puts pressure on her, it is better to let Maya Sandu leave office than to unleash a war in Moldova," Dodon emphasized.

The St. Petersburg International Economic Forum (SPIEF) was held on June 5-8. This year’s theme was "The Formation of New Areas of Growth as the Cornerstone of a Multipolar World." The event was organized by the Roscongress Foundation. TASS was the information partner of the event.